How to apply
The Members and Officers of NATIONAL ANTI CORRUPTION & CRIME INVESTIGATION BUREAU are working on voluntary basis and no payment is given to them. Membership is non-transferable and once the payment is made, it is non-refundable.
Any kind of misbehavior or misconduct mat result in rejection of membership of NATIONAL ANTI CORRUPTION & CRIME INVESTIGATION BUREAU.
NATIONAL ANTI CORRUPTION & CRIME INVESTIGATION BUREAU will not be responsible for any misuse of identity Card issued to the Membership during the course of their Membership with NATIONAL ANTI CORRUPTION & CRIME INVESTIGATION BUREAU.
In case of change of address. Member should inform the same to the Office. ./ Regd. Office.
In case of loss the identity Card, inform the Office./ Regd. Office. In writing along with the F.I.R. immediately.
Applicant can use photocopy of the application form which will be duly acknowledged by the Office./ Regd. Office. Once revived duly filled in.
Note: On expiry, the Identity Cards must be submit to the Office./ Regd. Office. After expiry, renewal is a must for regular membership.
Membership Qualification & Joining Fee details
To Apply online
How to Apply Offline
Four recent colour passport size photographs
Residence Proof
1.Aadhar card
Pan Card
Affidavit on stamp paper of Rs 20
(Click here to download the Affidavit)
Duly Filled in Application Form
(Click here to download the Application Form)
Character certificate veriffied by local Police station
Demand Draft of Rupees ( Ask for One Time Membership Fee of particular post), drawn in favour of “National Anti Corruption and Crime Investigation Bureau” payable at Meerut.
Submit all required documents on-line and deposit the fee at given address branch of Bank, in the name of "ARUN KUMAR"
To know about one time membership fee, please Email to us
Once we receive all the documents and deposit confirmation, you will get ID-CARD and the MEMBERSHIP CERTIFICATE, within three working days.
A.Check List of Documents
1.Membership Form.
2. Eight photographs (passport size).
3. Affidavit duly attested by Magistrate.
4. Police Clearance Certificate (Original) from Concerned SHO/SSP/Commissioner office of your Police Station/city.
5. Residence proof (Photocopy) duly attested by Gazetted officer.
6. Photo ID. (Photocopy) duly attested by Gazetted officer.
7. Fee Schedule as prescribed in Fee column.
B.Documents Check List
(All Documents must be self Attested)
General Member : -
1.Membership Form
2.Donation form
3.Aadhar Card Copy
4.PAN / DL /Voter Id Copy (Any one)
5.Residential Proof (If addres is different from Voter Id/DL/Aadhar Card)
6.Education Proof (Minimum High School for Rural Area and Intermediate for Urban/City area)
7.Passport size Photo (4)
8.Affidavit attested by notary Officer with Photo.
2.Police Verification Authority Letter
3.Local Police stationam name and Address.
Di trinit Officer ·-
1. Membership Form
2. Donation Form
1.Aadhar Card Copy
2.PAN/DL/Voter Id Copy (Any on
1.Residential Proof (If addres is diftint from Voter Id / D I Adbar Card)
2.Education Proof (Minimum High chool for Rural Arca and Intermediate for Urban I City area)
5. Passport Size Photo (7)
1.Affidavit att red byotary Officer with Photo.
2.Polico V rification Authority Lett r
. Proper Office address detail of your District officer Like:-
All Police tatioame I SSP Office I SP Omc I CP Office I DM Office Address.
I..Membership Form
2. Donation onn
3. Card Copy
4. PAN / DL / Voter Id Copy (Any one)
1.idential Proof (If ads is different from Voter Id I DL I Adhar Card)
2.Education Proof (Int rmiate for Rural and B chelor Degree forrban I City area)
3.Passportize Photo (10)
6. Affidavit atted byotary Officer with Photo.
7. Police V ritication Authority Lett r
8. Proper Office address detail of your Distt I State offi Local Polletati.o IP I SP I DI D G I DGP I Go
Likc:- mor Io
ter I CbJef
Minister I CBI I CID I Anti-Corruption Bureau I Vigibnce I RAW I DI tt Court I High Court and all Print and Eledronic Media' · Office addnss for sending your Joining Information
For Car/Bikee Stickers:-
1.Self attested RC copy of Vehicle
2.Last Pollution Certificate copy
3.Valid Driving license copy of oer
4. Pcmli ion letter copy (in case of family m mbcrs ownership)
5. otmy attested ell Deed copy (In case of 2 owne hip RC not transferred)
Documents Check List
(All Documents must be self Attested)W